
Always envy people who are very creative; looking at unique and
beautiful things makes me happy...
Knitting would be one I like to pick up again.

Tulip Cardigan
(3-6 months)
My first ever baby knitted project completed!!

I have no particular baby in mind when I was knitting it, 
it was my first big project and it turned out great!!
I will keep this one for myself just for keep sake:)

Baby Jumper
(1 year old)

This one is for my friend Helen,
who just gave birth to a baby girl recently. 
They are so thrill for a girl after two boys...

Tulip Cardigan
(6 - 12 months)
The alternate color verion!

Second time around knitting this baby cardigan was
fun and feeling confident about finishing it.
In fact, it took me three weeks only to complete the project!

Seed Stitch Baby Cardigan with buttons
(1-3 months)

My practice project... not sure how it would turn out,
with the three wooden buttons, I think it looks quite cute!
It is just ready in time for a family friend who gave birth to a baby boy!

Seed Stitch Car Coat
(1-2 Years)

My baby knitting journey started with this girl cardigan...
I finally finished it, although it did took me 6 months and 29 days!

It was knitted piece by piece,
Each piece needs to be blocked before it can be sewed together
I was so excited when I found these buttons for the sweater!
It took me over an hour in a no air-conditioning
tiny button store on a 38 degree hot day...

I am very happy with the final project!:)
It will be a gift for Amelia,
who was born on June 15th to my colleague and friend Natasha.

Hooded Cardigan
(3-6 months)

My latest project on baby knitting.
This one is for our friend's new born baby, Elliot!

Baby Bootie
(6-12 months)

I knitted this pair of bootie for Amelia (Natasha's baby girl) as a THANK YOU gift.
Babydink is going to sleep in Amelia's bassinet when she arrives in August!