Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hawaii Oasis- family holidays (October 2010)

In October, I was lucky to visit Maui for the second time with my family. Unfortunately, my hubby had to work and had to miss it... This time we stayed at the Westin Villa. It was a blast, the weather was nice, the view outside our suite was gorgeous, the swimming pool, the beach and the sky... Hopefully next time, my hubby will be there to see it in person!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Went to the Brickwork Farmer's Market with a friend this morning after a tennis game... What a treat! So many fresh fruit and nice looking vegetables. I can smell the fragnance of the peach as we were walking into the market. There are chocolates, bread, honey, artisan cheese stands, also lemonande, coffee and much more... So many young parents brougt their little ones and dogs. Some people were having a breakfast picnic right there! It's such a happy place, definitely go back with my hubby next time!

Monday, August 2, 2010

An interesting long weekend

Got to play some real golf on the greens on Saturday... What an experience! Then had some unexpected downtime on Sunday... strolled around the city and tried out the new Thai place for dinner (definitely go back again!) Today, hosted mom and dad for lunch, then off to driving range. It was a fun and interesting long weekend, but feeling tired now and ready to go back to work tomorrow...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Seeing Miss Saigon for the second time

Saw Miss Saigon today with mom at the Four Season Centre for the Performing Art. The music was good, but our seats were a bit too high up, so missed out on some visual part. Overall, had a good evening, spending some quality times with mom.
My poor hubby though, he had busy day, and a late night meeting...

Monday, July 19, 2010


Feeling the need to get myself organized... Thinking about trying new recipes, playing piano again regularly, knitting and yes, reading too!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A perfect morning

Had tennis lesson as usual early morning and played some more with hubby and a friend. It was a good workout session; feeling very good overall. It was a perfect morning as I'm sitting in the livingroom with hubby sipping coffee and chatting...