Wednesday, October 10, 2012

(July, 2012)- 37 weeks and counting!

At 37 weeks,
Counting down days now....

At my last OB check up,
the doctor has stopped me from working until baby arrives.

Dad's belated Birthday Party! (July 28th)

With his good friends,
we threw dad a surprise birthday party couple weeks after.

There was lots of food...  it was a fun evening.


Dad's 70th Birthday! (July 11th)

Dad turned 70 years old this year!
Along with Tina, we went to Baton Rouge to celebrate his birthday!

P.S. I'm getting much bigger these days... 35 weeks now.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Growing BABY...

Babydink at 32 weeks!

Ultrasound at 32 weeks,
babydink is weighing around 4.5 lbs now!
She's going to be a chubby baby:)

Monday, May 28, 2012

28 Weeks!

The bump at 28 weeks!!

These days, Babydink is moving around a lot,
especially when daddy is playing his flamenco guitar!

Mommy and daddy are almost ready for our little baby's arrival in August..
We've got the bassinet, portable cribs, stoller and lots of clothes from the grandparents! 

Friday, March 23, 2012

It's a GIRL!!

I had my second ultrasound yesterday.(in my 20 weeks now)...

We found out that our precious baby is going to be a girl!
How exciting?!!

Babydink is such an active baby;
she couldn't stop moving, as you can see in the picture the waving hands and feet

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

First ultrasound of our baby...

Our Babydink's first shot at 12 weeks!

Can you see his/her little hands and feet?!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Oh, how I miss summer...

I’m 9 weeks now, how exciting!!

But these days, I’m a big blob; I only manage to move from home couch to office chair for the last week due to my early pregnancy symptoms: fatigue/nausea/chill/cramp feeling all day and night. I can’t wait for the first trimester to be over when I suppose to feel better.
More so, I miss the sunny weather where I can spend times in a cafe and enjoy my favorite things outside... My knitting (for our little one) and reading all my Paris books!