Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Growing first two teeth...

 At 6 months, MuMu started teething.
Look, her botthon two front teeth are peaking out!

Thank my Colleague, Natasha for telling about Camilia,
MuMu is happier now, even when she's teething:)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

(August 9th 2012) Returned to the hospital...

Only after two days at home, MuMu had to return to the hospital,
MuMu got Jaudince and she was dropping weight, because Mommy was not giving out enough milk.Mommy and MuMu stayed in the hospital overnight to get phototherapy.

Pictures above are taken after an overnight stay
waiting for daddy to take us home.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Home Sweet Home... (Aug 7th 2012)

 Our little baby girl is finally home!

Waiting to go home... (Aug 7th 2012)

Waiting to go home...
Mu-Mu, hubby and I stayed in the hospital for one day,
then it's time to go home.

Before we go home, our nurse Sherry showed us how to bath Mu-Mu.
She then double swaddle Mu-Mu after her first bath...

First Professional Shots! (Aug 7 2012)

While in the hospital, we had MuMu`s first professional photos taken!

We are over the moon with our little one.
9 months of anticipation, she`s finally here with us:)

Meeting Families (August 6th, 2012)


Aunt Tina