Sunday, March 31, 2013

Visit with Rachel and Larry!

 Long time no see- Shannon and Ashley!
They likes to play with Mu-Mu...

But shy Mu-Mu likes to keep it to herself...

Strolling around Taipei train station...

Curious Mu-Mu looking around...

Endless eateries and shops
busy streets...

Sleeping Mu-Mu...  

Friday, March 29, 2013

Visiting second granduncle and grandaunt!

At granduncle's place, so much to explore!

At the restaurant, Mu-Mu only had eyes for her cookies...

Having fun with A-Gon and A-Ma!

 Trying to help A-Gon open his moon cake...

Cuddling with A-Ma

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Meeting friend, Julia, at Dazzling Cafe!

Today, Mu-Mu and Mommy visited Dazzling cafe,
where gourmet drinks and dessert are served!

with Aunt Julia...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Another day in Taipei...

Having lunch with granduncle and grandaunt.
Mu-Mu was curious but shy...

Mu-Mu is happiest when she's at home, 
even if it's temporary home in Taipei.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Monday morning outing!

 Sky garden within the hotel

 Taipei Train station

 Underground mall
outside of the train station

Mu-Mu's lazy Sunday in Taipei...

 Wake up, ready to play

                                                             Keeping busy...


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fussy Mu-Mu...

 For the family gathering tonight from my dad's side,
Mu-Mu was suppose to be the charmer.  
However, because of her jetlag, she slept through the whole dinner.
She woke up just as we were ready to leave...

 She was so tired that when we got home, she got very upset.

She fell asleep about 10 minutes later...zzz