Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mu-Mu on the move...

Now a day, it's all about movement for Mu-Mu
Either crawling, sliding, or standing, 
she has mastered it!

Not only is she busy moving around, 
she's also eager to express herself now, making
lots of noises and sounds:)

Mu-Mu can stand up now!

 It's been couple months since Mu-Mu so eagerly wanting to stand up.
These days, she can stand up quite steadily now...
(with help of various objects, including mommy and daddy:)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mu-Mu loves being at "home":)

Mu-Mu always has fun at "home", where she can just crawl freely and
being her silly self...

A nice sunny day in Seattle...

A morning stroll at the park

Having a cookie break!

Lunch at the Cheesecake Factory

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A visit to the Pike Place Market!

at the original Starbucks in Seattle!

Happy Mu-Mu at the Vietnamese restaurant...

Getting pastries for breakfast...

Mu-Mu with Aunt Vivian in a sling

(May 13th) Mu-Mu playing at Aunt Vivian's living room!

Mu-Mu loves playing with tennis racquet

(May 12th) First Day at Seattle...

Mu-Mu and mommy travelled with A-gon, a-ma, and aunt Tina
to visit Aunt Vivian in Seattle for a week...

 Getting coffee at Starbucks!

Evening stroll at Lake Washington...