Thursday, March 27, 2014

(Feb 8) Mu-Mu's first trip to McDonald...

During the Olympic, 
McDonald had a promotion on their chicken nugget combo...
(Note: not just Mommy and Mu-Mu was at McDOnald, 
daddy is taking pictures so no sight of him on the pictures)

Well, both Mommy and Mu-Mu (and daddy) enjoys the meals at McDonald...

 Mu-Mu's funny expressions...

(Feb 2014) Aunt Vivian come to visit from Seattle!

 Vivian came to visit at the beginning of February!
We took her to the Social Eatery near the apartment for dinner

Saying Mu-Mu loves her fries is an understatement...
She LOVES her fries!

The visit from Vivian was too short!
We'll miss you Vivian, hope you come back to visit soon:)

(Jan 25th) Mu-Mu plays in her crib...

Sadly to say (for us parents), 
at the age of 19 months, Mu-Mu is still sleeping with us:(
So her crib at one point had become a storage space....

One day, her daddy decided to clean it up,
put all the stuffy toys we had bought for her in there.
Mu-Mu loves to play in there...
She loves the music mobile!
But she has no interest in any of the stuff toys...

Wonder when we'll be able to get her not only play in there,
but actually sleeps in her crib....

(January 24th) Mu-Mu enjoys her new plate!

 Mu-Mu is a picky eater...
not only she eats only meat and starchy food
(I guess she's a meat and potato kind of gal..)
she doesn't seem to like her foods touched, 
So we tried the plate with divider, she loves it!