Monday, April 21, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Mu-Mu is 20 months old today!

At 20 months old,
Mu-Mu definitely is a daddy's girl...
Mu-Mu and daddy share that special bond,
which is so touch to see
 through little things they do together

At 20 months, Mu-Mu has taught herself to:
- clear the dinner table
- put socks in hamper
- put things in kitchen garbage
- close the toilet seat
- put the hair clips in the drawer
- fetch mommy and daddy's shoes when heading out
And yes, this is our little girl, all grown up
and is officially a toddler girl now!

And yes, this is our little girl!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Mu-Mu at home...

When not paying,
this is what Mu-Mu likes to do...

Snacking while watching TV, and

Mu-Mu loves to read

Mu-Mu loves to read...
Even flyers!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

(March 5) Mu-Mu getting ready for daycare!

I love to dress Mu-Mu up!  and
Mu-Mu herself also loves to see herself all doll up pretty...

Here is her getting ready one morning for day care

Mu-Mu was sick...

For a good couple weeks around the end of February,  Mu-Mu was quite sick.
Mommy and Daddy took turn to stay home with her.

Poor Mu-Mu was so tired and slept a lot during those times...

This time, the flu really hit her hard.
Mu-Mu had fever for a few days (thus her red cheek)
she also was having some projectile vomit and diarrhea....

Although Mu-Mu was tired, she still likes to play...
(Because of her tendency to vomit, we decided to sleep on the living room floor
just in case, for easier clean up)