Saturday, June 28, 2014


Joe volunteered for the Rotary Ribfest this year;
we all went, making it a family affair!

 It was a hot day, 
but we certainly enjoyed the time together as family!

 Especially Mu-Mu, 
running around and learning to jump!


Mu-Mu weating her sun glasses...

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday family outing!

 At Yorkville...

Mu-Mu and Tina

Mu-Mu and "A-Ma"

Mu-Mu enjoys her walk at Yorkvill

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Mu-Mu in a toy store

Mu-Mu certainly develops a preference for certain toys.
Definitely not a doll...

Sunday, June 15, 2014

On Father's Day...

Father- Daughter...
It always melts my heart 
seeing these two interacting with each other!


First toy train ride, and loving it!!!

We discovered there's a toy train ride for kids at the Shops on Don Mill;
From the first sight, Mu-Mu was determine to ride it...

Once on the ride, Mu-Mu was extra still and quiet, 
trying to take it all in...

Then after while, you can see how excited she was!

A little fun with daddy on the train:)

What a memory:)

Friday, June 13, 2014

Outing at First Canadian Place

A little outing for mummy and Mu-Mu on a Friday evening
(Daddy had a work dinner)

Mu-Mu in awe with the building interior...

Exploring the ground...