Friday, July 25, 2014

Our Mu-Mu....:)

More and more, 
We find out our Mu-Mu can be such an entertainer...
Although she still doesn't say much with words, 
she's full of facial expression:)

Monday, July 14, 2014

Mu-Mu in her new bike

Mu-Mu with a-gon and a-am at Bayview Village

After a while, Mu-Mu is tired of sitting,
she insisted on pushing the bike herself...

Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Saturday outing at Petite Thuet!

Our new favorite hang out...
The French bakery, Petite Thuet, at Summer Hill!

 Mu-Mu, like her mummy and daddy, can appreciate a good croissant!

I would say these images kind of summarize 
our family dynamic as the Tam family...