Saturday, August 23, 2014

A tiao-pi-de Mu-Mu...

We long realize that Mu-Mu is a tom-boy...
She loves to be outside, 
running down the street, chasing birds,
and being wild...

Keeping mummy and daddy busy...

 Roaming in the store...

Never a dull moment with Mu-Mu...

Saturday, August 16, 2014

MuMu-'s 2 year-old portrait part 2...

Mu-Mu's many facial expression...

An expression of "fa-dai"...

Being "Happy..."

A busy bee...

Singing Mu-Mu...

In her deep thought...

Mu-Mu's 2 year-old portrait!

It has been such an amazing journey,
seeing Mu-Mu grows over the last two years.

She's a big girl now, weighed 22 lbs and her height is at the 75th%.
She's more aware of things around her and loves to learn.
One of her favorite thing is looking at the animal cards and learning their names/sounds.
She knows the name of different animals with both Cantonese and Mandarin.
and she loves to imitate the sound of each animal.

These days, Mu-Mu enjoys her time at the daycare learning different things
She also loves the time at home with mummy and daddy.
Mu-Mu also loves her "a-duo", "a-ma" and "yiii"

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Mu-Mu's first haircut!

Mu-Mu finally had her first haircut!
Her precious hair was finally deemed "messy"
and it's time to give it a little clean up...

Before the haircut, 
mummy and daddy were quite comprehensive about it,
as we wanted to make sure that the haircut doesn't turn Mu-Mu into an ugly duck...
To our pleasant surprise and relief,  It turned out a success!
We love her new haircut!

(the before...)

(During the haircut...)
Daddy was next to us, 
busy entertained Mu-Mu and taking pictures!

The finish product:)