Plan to start playing Sonata:
There are 16 Sonata pieces by Friedrick kuhlau in the Sonatinen Album 1
I shall aim for practicing one piece per month...
First up: Sonatine Op.20, No.1 - (July 16 - August 16, 2010)
Last Friday (July 16th) was the first time after a long while that
I started playing my classic music pieces. The piece makes me feel calm and happy; it was not too hard, but certainly need more practicing and patience, yes, patience...
July 21st, 2010
Practiced some more of the first Sonata piece; had a good progress!
Sitting on the piano chair makes me feel like a school girl again.
July 29th, 2010
Played the whole piece once... Feel so accomplished and happy:)
But definitely need to practice more!