Monday, January 13, 2014

Bermuda Trip- Day 3... Part 2

Once arrived in Hamilton,
we went to the Lemon Tree Cafe for lunch...

Walking down Front street, near the Harbor front...

Back to the Fairmount Hamilton Princess hotel,
waiting for the ferry at the lobby...
 Mu-Mu and A-Gon looking at IPAD together

On the Ferry, getting back to Fairmount Southampton
Ferry leaving the dock.

The view of the city Hamilton from the ferry...

Bermuda Trip... Day 3- Part 1

We spent day 3 in the city of Hamilton, Bermuda.

Here, waiting to get on the shuttle to take us to the ferry dock

At the dock, waiting for the ferry...

On the ferry,
It was very very windy!

Arriving at Hamilton,
the ferry dock at the Fairmount Hamilton Princess hotel.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Bermuda Trip... Day 2

We started our day with a brunch in the hotel!
 Mu-Mu playing with a-Gon...

Mu-Mu hanging out with daddy at the hotel...

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Bermuda Trip...Day 1

Earlier this year, we took a family trip to Bermuda!
Joe and I were there couple years ago and we really enjoyed it.
this time my mom and dad joined us, along with Mu-Mu.

Here, at the airport lounge waiting to board the flight

Arriving at Bermuda...
The view was so inviting:)
There were lots of pictures taken, but only few of Joe,
as he's the one taking most of the pictures.

Having lunch and afternoon tea at the hotel.
Mu-Mu was happy exploring the area...

Mu-Mu discovered the stairwell at the hotel, and
started to climb up and down repeatedly...

Here, Mu-Mu with a-Gon hanging out...

After a little rest at the hotel,
we went for dinner at a steak house near  the hotel.

Here, after dinner waiting for a cab to get back to the hotel