Saturday, January 11, 2014

Bermuda Trip...Day 1

Earlier this year, we took a family trip to Bermuda!
Joe and I were there couple years ago and we really enjoyed it.
this time my mom and dad joined us, along with Mu-Mu.

Here, at the airport lounge waiting to board the flight

Arriving at Bermuda...
The view was so inviting:)
There were lots of pictures taken, but only few of Joe,
as he's the one taking most of the pictures.

Having lunch and afternoon tea at the hotel.
Mu-Mu was happy exploring the area...

Mu-Mu discovered the stairwell at the hotel, and
started to climb up and down repeatedly...

Here, Mu-Mu with a-Gon hanging out...

After a little rest at the hotel,
we went for dinner at a steak house near  the hotel.

Here, after dinner waiting for a cab to get back to the hotel

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