Wednesday, August 28, 2019

New York Trip 2019- Day 1

Again this year, 
we opt to go to New York US Open for our annual trip
and it has not disappoint!

On way to the airport via UPS...

Arriving at New York Laguardia Airport!

 later that evening, we ate at the famous restaurant in Central Park
Tavern on the Green...
 The venue is beautiful, 
entrance to the restaurant gives you a sense of history dating back 
when everything is grand and proper...
The dinning room is sitting under a clear dome
Sitting under the clear glass makes you feel as though you are outside

 Food there is nothing memorable
 but we ordered a roasted artichokes and it's interesting when it came out (as above)
We had to ask the waitress how to eat it!

 After dinner, we went to the Gelato place we discovered last year near Central Park

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